
Creating Space

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As a serial creative entrepreneur you might love the chaos and the dot connecting just as much as you hate the distress that comes with it.

Let’s be honest you logically understand that order and structure serves you well, but one of your gifts is the ability to see that midpoint which others seemingly can’t spot.

Ultimately however, before getting to the next level one must decide to create space.

Once you’ve extracted the creation from the chaos, reduce, declutter, reorganize and THEN repeat.

This goes for both the physical realm as the digital one.

Growing up, we moved around a lot. It had something to do with expenses I suppose but we never had these conversations. We went from having few possessions to acquiring more and having more than enough , which was a blessing. Where we fell short as a whole was the ability to organize, manage all we were blessed with. Add the stress of not understanding many things about the legal and business world and it led to a chaotic workspace created by yours truly. Don’t be fooled I enjoyed all the learning but I’d be trying to understand loss mitigation while working on my PreCalc or physics homework while worrying about the fact that all the noise at home wouldn’t let me focus on my homework, while wondering if my crush liked me back, you know teenager things. It was a mess. I was a mess. As Sadia Khan recognizes in herself, I have and have had “nothing to complain about” and yet I also carried with me tons of insecurity. Despite love, family and accomplishments, for some reason it’s what I used to gravitate towards. Somehow the mixtape playing over and over in my mind was not very kind to myself.

I knew one thing though listening to the wisdom of those older than me would do me good. The most wise would share that despite their success, ultimately what mattered most was time. Time doing what you love, time with loved ones. Time. Years later I’ve learned to recognize it as a gift this ability to appreciate time, to choose the difficult vs. the easy. Despite my choice to understand this concept I have in fact fallen short of my ideal of someone who fully appreciates time.

I’ve grown to understand that the gifts I’ve been blessed with are my responsibility to learn how to best showcase them and share the lessons to in fact save others time, and be of service.

What I’ve found is that clarity comes in different forms. There are different roads that lead to the same destination. As well as there being different destinations worth getting to. Choosing to endeavor on a journey no one else has tread before is like choosing to walk directly into the storm, sometimes you’ll have enough time to get the umbrella or to find shelter and others… not so much. With every new nugget of knowledge comes the opportunity to use it, store it, invest it or completely dispose of it.

If you find yourself at a crossroads it might be time to create some mental space and dispose of the thoughts, actions, habits and routines that keep you from progressing. Create space in your schedule to improve. Create physical space by removing broken, torn or damaged items ( Book Recommendations: the Life Changing Habit of Tidying Up, Essentialism) Create mental space by no longer holding onto insecurities, self doubt and negative self fulfilling prophecies. It will take … time and effort. You might find yourself repeating what you swore you wouldn’t or breaking that new years resolution. However, resilience is built through repetition. If you haven’t conquered the vice, just try one more time ( and again as necessary.)

#faceittillyoumakeit #alwaysberesilient

Deciding to live healthier…

Deciding to live healthier…

Consists of several factors.

It can be the food you eat or don’t eat.

The sleep you get or don’t.

The stress you tolerate or don’t. (This one often leads to making tough calls)

and so on…

But ultimately it’s a decision.

In the beginning of any journey it’s difficult to take the first step or even the first 1,000 steps but as you make small action moves towards them the journey that was once feared, avoided, doubted, abandoned, will slowly reveal itself.

We know, we feel, think and are better when we take care of ourselves.

It’s just difficult to stray from the status quo until it’s not.

Plan the Plans | PART 1

Ahh I’m almost turning 30! And so for me that’s a time of reflection. A time to analyze my journey so far and look for areas of improvement! ☀️

I recall struggling with resolutions myself especially those created on New Years. I instead, I enjoyed the process of creating plans goals and often reflected more around the time of completing another year of life.

In preparation of this process in the upcoming days I take the time to look at January first and ask myself: “ what can be improved/ modified so that the rest of the year goes “smoothly”? ( I say “smoothly” because my entrepreneurship journey has taught me that things don’t always go as planned… HOWEVER, not planning can be disastrous). I do this at this time because there are some other timelines and such that I have no control over but that operate on monthly, quarterly, yearly basis that affect my life. These include business operations deadlines, any medical or legal appointments, holidays that will affect project timelines and things of that nature.

Now here’s the thing… that’s only an overview perspective in terms of time constraints that can be predetermined. (Apply this as it suits your entrepreneurial calendar.)