
Key Factors for Busy Woman to Consider When Meal Planning

Understandably, you are a very busy woman.

Whether that means you have a full fledge career, or are a mother of 5 or both or maybe it’s only you and your husband (for now) but your work life is highly variable. Meal Prepping is your golden ticket.

My starting point in the kitchen was one of wonder and confusion if I’m remembering correctly. I’d often be scared of making something and not only it tasting horrible but what if people got sick. The skills of the kitchen I feared, until of course reality struck and I had to learn the ways. To be completely transparent I learn something new everyday.

The following statement might sound blunt, however, please know that it is a statement I had to say to myself. several times. If you have a few minutes a week to wait in line at the drive thru, then you have a few minutes to meal plan. Quick Tip: Similar to the don’t go grocery shopping when you’re hungry. Don't wait til you are hungry to actually plan. It won’t go well. You might overspend, forget something or buy less healthy items, which in the long run is not good for your health.

Meal Planning allows you to take your mind off the chaos of figuring it out as you go. When you fail to plan you are planning to fail, or so the saying goes. And really what it does is create disorder in your life. As Creative Entrepreneurs, perhaps you find part of your work THRIVES on chaos and a mishmosh of ideas, and you find yourself asking yourself “how could everything else not work the same?” Especially in the kitchen.

Well my friend, everything worthwhile takes time, effort, and the willingness to overcome the hurdles that come up along the way.

Here are a few Key Factors to consider as you meal plan.

  1. What food do you truly enjoy?

  2. What food do the people you share meals with enjoy?

  3. What are the most common ingredients?

  4. What foods that take a while to prepare would you like to have more frequently, but usually find that you are missing an ingredient or a few because its not an item you use that often therefore it gets forgotten?

  5. How do you create variety in your meals?

  6. What will be your go to meals on “lazy” or overwhelming days?

  7. Will you actively look to purchase items within specific price ranges? Will you coupon?

  8. Do you have a preferred brand and/or grocery store?

  9. To Be Continued…

Scheduling Your Business in a way that Allows You Live a Life by Design

What do you really want your life to look like?

Do you see yourself living in a big city, going out to eat all the time, events every weekend?

Or would you rather live a quiet life?

Every business is essentially its own world.

And in each world certain rules and standards apply. Details that allow you to truly build a work life/career within its constraints.

A home life is just the same, it has rules set by the individuals that comprise the home, their preferences, their knowledge and lack thereof.

When you mesh a home life and a business things can get messy. Especially, in the beginning. The less experience you have in that realm the more overwhelming and exhausting. The more you know, the better prepared and centered you can remain. But you must decide to plant yourself as that. To allow your roots to grow deep and strong.

The more knowledge and wisdom acquired, the deeper your roots.

The sooner you start, the more quickly you’ll have the experience you truly need to succeed.

But you must begin to build, ASAP.


  1. Will this specific task help you get closer to your goals?

  2. Am I actually improving?

  3. What aspects am I responsible for?